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Deep Cycle Battery San Diego

Best Battery for Dry Camping

Best Battery for Dry Camping

Best Battery for Dry Camping, Wiring Batteries in Series

12 volt deep cycle battery vs 6 volt deep cycle battery for dry camping.
The reasons why the 6 volt battery is a better choice and how to connect the two in series connection.

Connecting Batteries to Increase Total System Power

To increase 6 volt battery voltage to 12 volts, connect 2 6 volt batteries in series. This will not increase the battery system capacity.

Two 6 volt deep cycle batteries rated at 225 amp hours connected in series.
System voltage : 6v + 6v = 12 volts  -  System Capacity = 225 amp hours (ah)

To increase battery capacity, connect 2 6 volt or 12 volt batteries in parallel. This will NOT increase the battery system voltage.

Two 6 volt deep cycle batteries rated at 225 amp hours in parallel.
System voltage : 6 volts  -  System Capacity = 225 ah + 225 ah = 450 amp hours (ah)

To increase both battery capacity and voltage, connect 4, 6 volt batteries in series and parallel.  This will increase the battery system voltage and capacity and is a great idea for dry camping.

Four 6 volt deep cycle batteries rated at 225 amp hours connected in series-parallel.

System voltage : 6v + 6v = 12 volts
System Capacity = 225 ah + 225 ah = 450 amp hours (ah)