Trojan 8D Agm
The Trojan 8D Agm is one of the most high performance battery on the market. It is built with advanced technology, total energy output, giving you the best quality and reliability that Trojan is known for. 8d Agm by Trojan runs at 230 amp hours comes with 1 year free replacement warranty and the 2nd year a pro-rated rate warranty. This battery is also deep cycle battery and maintenance free.

Trojan 8D Agm Capacity
The Trojan 8D Agm has the following capacity at different discharge rates.
5-Hr Rate 179Ah
10-Hr Rate 210Ah
20-Hr Rate 230Ah
100-Hr Rate 254Ah
Trojan 8D Agm Dimensions
Length 20.47 (520)
Width 10.64 (270)
Height 9.08 (231)
Weight 161lbs
Energy (kWh) 3.05