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Check out this awesome Duffy Boat conversion to lithium in San Diego

Check out this awesome Duffy Boat conversion to lithium in San Diego

Jeff converted this 36v Duffy boat from lead acid to lithium, and it's awesome!

Six flooded lead acid deep cycle batteries are removed and a single 36V lithium 100Ah battery is installed. The conversion is simple and it took about twelve hours to connect the 36V systems and the 12V Duffy systems to the lithium battery. A 3V to 12V DC converter with circuit breakers were added to the boat.
Note, 360 lbs of lead acid batteries and the single lithium battery weighs 75lbs so sand bags were added for ballast. 

The Duffy boat operates in the Coronado Cays and has short runs. If more range is needed, a second battery could be installed.

The Duffy lithium conversion kit comes with a lithium battery charger and an SOC meter.

Link to 36V 100Ah lithium waterproof battery

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